Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Working Group

Terms of Reference


1.    The purpose of the Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy working group (“the Working Group”) is to:

1.1.Assist in the development of the new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2025-2030. The Working Group’s recommendations will be considered by the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee.

2.    The role of the group is to:

2.1.Assist in the development of the new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2025- 2030.

2.2.Review and consider project progress to ensure the timely delivery of the strategy by Spring 2025.

2.3.Give regard to Chapter 2 of the Homelessness Code of Guidance when proposing new strategic priorities and preparing a draft for the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee’s decision. Chapter 2 of the guidance provides clarity on how local authorities should exercise their homelessness strategy duty in accordance with Section 1 of the Homelessness Act 2002.

2.4.Consider findings from the Homelessness Review, stakeholder feedback, client survey results and public consultation responses when making suggestions for the Council’s strategic priorities. Priorities should focus on addressing housing need and tackling homelessness and rough sleeping in the borough of Spelthorne.

2.5.To champion the new strategy with other elected members, colleagues, resident groups and communities.

3.    Membership

3.1.Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee may nominate up to four Elected Members to attend and contribute to the Working Group.

3.2.The Working Group is to be a cross departmental group, formed of officers from Housing Options, Assets, Planning, Environmental Health, Independent Living and Finance.

3.3.The Working Group will run for the length of the development of the new Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. When invited to join, members of the Working Group will be required to commit for the duration of the project which is expected to be from September 2024 – April 2025. This commitment is required to ensure continuity, consistency and an audit trail of agreed decisions.

3.4.Once the new strategy is implemented, the Working Group will cease, and monitoring responsibility will lay with ‘Strategic Housing Group’.

4.    Meetings

4.1.‘Strategic Housing Lead’ will be the Chair and the ‘Group Head Community Wellbeing’ will be the Vice Chair. The ‘Assistant Strategic Housing Lead’ will be the secretary.

4.2.Meetings of the Working Group will be internal and confidential to the Council. They will be held during business hours and be no longer than two hours.

4.3.The Working Group will be expected to meet to review project progress. It is anticipated that there will need to be a minimum of 3 key meetings.

4.3.1.   Meeting 1: To consider the Homelessness Review findings, stakeholder feedback and client survey responses to help inform discussion on Spelthorne Borough Council’s new strategic priorities.

4.3.2.   Meeting 2: To review and agree on a draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and framework for public consultation. This will be put to the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee for a decision.

4.3.3.   Meeting 3: To consider public consultation responses before agreeing on a final draft of the Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy. This will be put to the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee for approval.

5.    Decisions

5.1.The Working Group has no executive decision-making powers over any matters. Decisions are made by the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee as appropriate.

5.2.The Working Group should aim to deliver a consensual view to the Community Wellbeing and Housing Committee. Where this is not possible, it should aim to report fairly on the divergent views of the group. Voting is not considered necessary.